About Us

Why we do it

We love traveling. We love traveling so much we want to share it with the world. Here at Jet Lag Hero we think that traveling changes people for the better and that those people can positively impact their communities. We started Jet Lag Hero to help people be able to afford more adventures and vacations, positively affecting our users in which they can positively affect their communities.

Personal Interests

We obviously love to travel. Traveling is a passion of ours that we’ve had for some time.  If we aren’t on the road, you can find us hiking out in the woods or kayaking on the river. David is the Huntsville Adventurer and is a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and you can find him most nights at Maverick Training Center in downtown Huntsville. Andy loves painting and printing. We have two beautiful daughters who we love to take on our adventures and share outdoor experiences with.